Hope for me Yet
Friday, January 26, 2007 @ 12:08 AM
This woman does remarkable work using techniques called HDR and Orton processing (and, I suspect, a variety of other methods as well). Though they're photographs, they have the atmosphere, resonance and power of paintings. Well, they look like paintings, IMO.
It gives me hope that even if I never end up developing my ability to draw, I might manage to do stuff in the visual arts all the same. I do have plans, once my desk clears a little, of working through a few books on how to use Photoshop. Then, even if I don't manage to draw or paint well, I might still be able to produce remarkable imagery with photos I've taken, worked with and transformed into altogether different works of art.
It's exciting to be given that hope, in an arena where I had pretty much decided I was not likely to get anywhere. Maybe some day I'll be able to call myself a visual artist of sorts as well, thanks to digital technologies! :-)
Posted by Anduril Elessar.