Enough messing about!
Thursday, April 24, 2008 @ 11:44 AM

Okay, I've decided this is my "accountability in writing" blog.

Over the next day or so, I'm going to work on a series of realistic goals (but that are a bit of a stretch). I'll post them here. First thing in the morning, I will schedule my day so that I have realistically set out timelines and scheduled in what I do when. This will be over coffee and breakfast, and will include leisure and email checking break times.

Monday mornings, I'll lay out a series of goals I need to accomplish for the week and go over how well I did on the previous week's goals. This isn't to do with publishing per se. It's to do with charting my own progress and not feeling aimless and as if I'm meandering through my day.


For now, I have to go and fold laundry. Today, I will travel around and work on what my goals will be for the long term and for the week. I also hope to work on my screenplay and get somewhat caught up. I haven't scheduled it in, so I'm hoping it will come together. I may just pop it into my schedule right now and then go to it!

Posted by Anduril Elessar.



susan deefholts
writer & editor

"fill your paper with the breathings of your heart"

-william wordsworth

.my complete profile.


"O for a Muse of fire, that would ascend/The brightest heaven of invention,/ A kingdom for a stage, princes to act/ And monarchs to behold the swelling scene!"

-william shakespeare


.my main blog. now reading/watching blog. jorrie's blog. mum's website.


January 2007 March 2007 April 2007 April 2008

.recent posts.

Enough messing about!
My Celebrity Look-alike
The New Cover
World building
Hope for me Yet
O for a muse of fire indeed!
Warming up for the final stretch...
Setting up a custom blog...
This is my test post
Here is my first post!


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